June 2nd International sex workers day 2021 . Covid19 effect their life too! Exploitations , discriminated and criminalized

4 min readJun 1, 2021

On June 2nd of 1975 more than 100 sex workers in Lyon gathered around Saint Nizier Church to protest against their explotation criminalized status of them and for good working condition , as they are treated inhumanly by police and government and work without their willingly, they put forward a strike against their condition. This strike go on for about 8 days and police cleared that place after that.This event is said to be the starting point of movement for sex workers right around the world and against the discrimination and criminalized of their work.

Around 43 million sex workers around world

If you live in a country where sex working is criminal offence then please stop. some also do sexworking with their choice too. They too have right just like any other workers.

Main problems faced by sexworkers

